Job Summary:工作摘要
Job Content:工作内容
• Main Tasks/ Responsibilities / Authorities: 主要任务/职责/权限
• 根据装配图纸及作业流程,对零件进行组装.
• 熟知辅助设备的操作技能和基本构造和功能. 如:工装夹具、辅助安装设备等.
• 零部件及成品件的质量问题的识别和解决.
• 积极参与部门内的各项活动业务,如:现场改进、5S、危险源识别等.
• 遵守公司规章制度,服从部门内岗位调动,参与生产过程改进活动等.
• Key Skills:关键技能
• 有钳工的专业技能.
• 有设备装配经验. 如:车辆发动机修理/车桥装配经验者,
• 能看懂基本的安装作业图. 熟练使用相关设备/仪器
• 两年以上操作经验 如:各类车辆发动机/各类车辆车桥装配/修理经验.
Required knowledge & experience:
1. Education/Professional Qualifications required for the position: 该职位所需的教育/专业资格:
• 大专及以上学历.
• 所授专业有各项操作证书.
2. Additional Important Requirements:
Geographical context in which knowledge is applied:
Amendments to the Job Description: 对工作说明的修改:
This is a description of the job as it is at present constituted. It is the company's practice to periodically examine employee's job descriptions and to update them to ensure that they relate to the job as it is performed, or to incorporate whatever changes are being proposed. The line manager in consultation with the post holder concerned jointly conducts this procedure. It is the company's aim to reach agreement to reasonable changes, but if agreement is not possible management reserves the right to insist on changes to the job descriptions after prior consultations. 这是对目前构成的工作的描述。公司的做法是定期检查员工的工作描述,并对其进行更新,以确保其与工作相关,或纳入任何拟议的变更。直线经理与相关职位持有人协商后共同执行此程序。公司的目标是就合理的变更达成一致,但如果无法达成一致,管理层保留在事先协商后坚持更改职位描述的权利。