


负责工厂、公司日常的成本及固定资产会计处理及资产管理工作, 包括月度结账、年度结账、项目管理、资产盘点及处置;负责内外部审计工作,包括SOx检查、内审及财务报告审计;支持工厂年度费用预算制定;支持滚动预算并合理控制工厂各项费用,支持并保证完成年度预算目标。

• 固定资产管理
Fixed assets management
 负责协调*GBS team,确保固定资产原值入账,折旧及处置符合中国及美国总部相关财务政策
Responsible to coordinate with GBS to make fixed assets acquisition, depreciation and disposal be in compliance with China GAAP and Lilly US financial policy
 负责协调各部门协调员进行固定资产的实物管理和控制
Responsible to coordinate with each functional coordinator to physically manage fixed asset
a. 及时给固定资产编号
Timely label Fixed assets
b. 每年进行固定资产的盘点
Conduct Fixed assets annual physical counting
 负责准备固定资产处置清单及相关内部审批文件或照片影像资料以备税务列支审核或备案
Responsible to maintain and document fixed assets disposal lists and related internal approval documents or audio/video related evidence in order for audit or document required by CIT deductible purposes
• 协助工厂项目管理
Support site projects management
 负责审核和跟踪固定资产投资eCIR
Responsible for eCIR review and tracking.
 负责每月在CAPS系统中更新固定资产投资预测
Responsible for capital expenditure forecast update in CAPS.
 负责跟踪在建工程结转为固定资产和协助项目经理完成固定资产资本化表。
Responsible for AUC transferred to Fixed assets and support project managers to complete capitalization form.
 负责制作项目相关的财务凭证,包括项目资本支出预提和项目人员费用资本化等
Responsible for manual JV related to project including Capital Accrual, Labor cost capitalization etc.
 负责审核和跟踪项目的资本支出和费用报表
Responsible for reviewing and tracking the capital spending and expense report for project.
 熟悉了解总部固定资产管理和中国的相关政策以确保工厂相关程序符合要求
Knowledgeable of fixed assets related corporate and China policies to make site procedure in compliance
 协助其它与项目有关的工作
Support other tasks related to insulin filling project.
• 工厂/贸易公司月度和年度结算(成本、库存及固定资产相关)
Site and LTC monthly and yearly finance closing related to costing, inventory, and Fixed Assets
 及时准确完成工厂月度和年度与成本、库存及固定资产相关的结账
Timely and correctly complete site monthly and yearly finance closing related to costing, inventory, and Fixed Assets.

 负责解决或协调解决固定资产成本、库存及固定资产结帐过程中出现的问题
Responsible to resolve or coordinate with resolving any issues occurred during costing, inventory, and Fixed Assets closing.
• 负责工厂和贸易公司库存相关的会计工作
Responsible for inventory management related accounting work for plant and LTC
 定期抽盘工厂和贸易公司库存并准备盘点报告
Spot counting for plant and LTC’s inventory on regular basis and generate spot counting reports
 安排年度安永审计存货抽盘工作
Responsible to arrange annual physical counting by E&Y auditors
 负责准备库存损失报表及相关内部审批文件或照片影像资料以备税务列支审核或备案
Responsible to maintain and document inventory losses lists and related internal approval documents or audio/video related evidence in order for audit or document required by CIT deductible purposes
• 协助工厂年度预算制定
Support for site annual business plan
• 其他财务部的项目和分析工作, 包括六西格玛的财务分析工作
Other projects assigned and analysis work, including 6-sigma project.
• 相关财务政策的更新
Related policy and procedure update.
• *遵守HSE各项管理流程,履行安全生产职责要求
Follow various HSE management procedures and fulfill the work safety responsibilities.


