

Responsibilities 岗位职责:
A Preparing and detailing design solutions for assemblies and components
A 规划和细化产品总成及零部件设计方案
• 1 Clarification and definition of the design requirements within the design engineer responsible. Estimation of the design expenditure for individual assemblies
• 1 阐述及定义设计工程师职责范围内的产品设计要求。预估单个总成的设计费用。
• 2 Involvement in the preparation of a performance specification on the basis of the existing requirement
• 2 基于已经明确的技术要求,参与产品性能规范的准备工作。
• 3 Working out design drafts on the basis of CAD data provided by the customer with regard to individual assemblies and components, taking defined technical
• 3 基于客户所提供的CAD数据,结合已经定义的技术条件制作设计草图。
• 4 Drawing up design solutions for assemblies and components, taking functional, material-related, technical production and economical aspects into account
• 4 全面考虑功能,材料,生产技术条件和产品经济性,拟定产品总成和零部件的设计方案。
• 5 Arrangement and implementation of detailing design work for assemblies and components; preparation of all the necessary 3D documents
• 5 布置及实施产品总成和零部件的细节设计任务;准备所有相关3D数据。
• 6 Selection of the material and standards to be used; specification of tolerance and checking up on drawings
• 6 选择相关材料及实施标准;定义产品公差及校核相关图纸。
• 7 Specification of tolerance on geometries as well as implementing of analyze-projects by usage of simulation-templates in frame of involvement in the project work
• 7 在项目设计工作中,定义产品几何公差,同时应用相关分析模版来进行相关分析。
• 8 Creating tolerance classifications for individual modules as well as monitoring of the related application and compliance
• 8 定义单个组件的公差等级并跟踪监控相关应用情况及一致性。
• 9 Agreeing new or changed designs during the concept and detailing phase with the departments involved such as Process Planning, Quality Planning, Design and Laboratory
• 9 在概念设计和细节设计阶段,与过程策划,质量策划,造型及实验室等部门进行研讨,在制定新方案或修改原有方案方面达成一致。
• 10 Involvement in the drafting of the design FMEA taking customer requirements into consideration
• 10结合客户技术要求,参与DFMEA的制定。
• 11 Arranging for tests(mechanical, mechatronic, photometric, thermal) on sample devices in agreement within the design engineer responsible; inclusion of the results in the design of assemblies and components
• 11 安排设计工程师职责范围内的相关样品样件测试(机械测试,机电测试,光学测试,热分布测试等);并将测试结果融入到产品总成及零部件设计当中。
• 12 Involvement in design being checked in terms of industrial property rights
• 12 参与产品设计方案知识产权检查。
• 13 Continual preparation, interpretation and implementation of relevant technical information from internal position
• 13持续参与准备、解释和应用相关内部技术信息。
• 14 Implementing the necessary data exchange with internal and external positions involved
• 14 负责与内外部相关方必要的数据交换。
• 15 Indication of deviations from targets to those responsible; indication of existing alternative solutions
• 15 指出以上职责目标在执行中产生的偏差;并提出可行的替代方案。
• Carrying out other tasks related to this position (incl. examining and evaluating suggestions for improvement, as well as complying with industrial safety and environmental protection measures pertaining to the scope of duties)
• 其他相关工作(包括审查和分析改进建议,遵守相关工业安全规范,环保规范等相关责任)

Qualifications 职位要求:
• Good command of English reading and wirting
• 良好的英语读写能力
• Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical, Automobile or Material
• 机械,汽车或材料等相关专业本科及以上学历
• 3 years Mechanical Engineering experience in Automobile lighting industry
• 3年及以上汽车照明行业设计经验
• Systematic design
• 系统性设计能力
• Very good knowledge of CATIA V5
• 精通CATIA V5
• Basic knowledge of quality management
• 基本的质量管理知识
• Basic knowledge of project management
• 基本的项目管理知识
• Knowledge of Microsoft Office
• 熟练使用Microsoft Office办公软件
• Good knowledge of Communication / Presentation
• 良好的沟通表达能力

