



· Check and react to all e-mails that have arrived overnight during non-business hours

· Check all licensor website for comments/approvals

o Print out all design-related comments (either approvals or revisions needed for concepts or samples) and give hard copies to licensed design manager prior to 10am

o Advise, via email, the appropriate production person (and cc licensed design manager) of ll approved concepts only, approve samples (either pre-pro or final), and revisions needed for samples (pre-pro or final) prior to 10am

· Check all licensor websites again periodically throughout the day for new comments/approvals and repeat above steps as necessary

· Advise director of licensing regarding all submissions to licensors that are either rushes or late (10 business days or more_

· Follow up with licensed design manager regarding any revision to concepts that are not received by EOD on day that comments have been received from licensor

· Review all pre-production and final production samples together with licensed design manager

o If both of you deem samples to be acceptable, take pictures of the samples, prepare airway bill for reception and follow up to ensure samples are sent to licensor. Update in system and on master spreadsheet

o If not acceptable, licensed design manager will send comments to production for revisions needed. Please also note this on a master spreadsheet

· Sumbit all concepts/revised concepts to licensors

· Submit all packaging to licensors

· Submit all test reports to licensors

· Update master licensed spread sheet daily. The updates include all comments received from licensors, noting when all samples have been submitted, noting when concepts/revised concepts that have been submitted, when packaging is submitted, test reports submitted, which production person is assigned to each project, etc.

As required:

· Attend meetings with licensors as required; takes notes and distribute as necessary

· Attend meetings with sales as required; take notes and distributes as necessary

· Update monthly UPC spreadsheet for Disney and Marvel

· Update retailer sell-in spreadsheets

· Assist in preparing showroom for market

· Assist in preparing showroom for meetings as required

· Maintain current library of marketing one-sheet for all licensed properties

· Prepare power point presentations for meetings as required

· Assist in conversion of licensing approvals tracking system to Simparel

· Assist with licensor audit needs as required

· Send contractual samples including annual samples (Marvel) as required

· Update master spreadsheet on Mondays to reflect previous weeks new orders

· Update licensed items spreadsheet as new properties as acquired, old properties are retired

· Maintain and update licensed propter entertainment release date documents

