新拓尼克科技研发中心 / Syntronic Beijing R&D Center


Product Creator –PLC Hardware Design
If you really want to make a difference – make it with us
The Digital Industry Division offers a comprehensive portfolio of seamlessly integrated hardware, software and technology-based services in order to support manufacturing companies worldwide in enhancing the flexibility and efficiency of their manufacturing processes and reducing the time to market of their products – be it the automotive or aerospace industry, mechanical engineering or other interesting sectors.
Your mission in new role:
• Work together with Agile cross-function development team, to invent, design and implement leading industry PLC and logic controller products for Siemens digital industry automation portfolio.
Your new role – Challenging and future oriented
1. You will be part of a young, fun, innovate, diverse and international team.
2. You will closely coordinate with firmware and software and mechanical engineering teams to plan high-level design of PLC and logic controller devices.
3. You need have architecture thinking, to consider constraints such as weight, overall dimensions, temperature range of operation, vibration, power consumption, EMC, etc. to achieve high level ruggedness and efficiency, to fulfill our commitment to customers in diversified industry filed application.
4. You will be key person in R&D team to contact with many design partners / vendors, provide clear design requirements to them, make decision based on technical judgment, business benefit including cost, schedule and quality.
5. You need drive the important component strategy with clear technical analysis and understand the big picture and trend, working with material strategy team from local factory and global procurement.
6. You will be involved to track world-wide cutting-edge technologies of computing and semiconductor, estimate alternatives, and integrate the best into your design.
Your Qualifications – solid and appropriate
1. More than 1 years working experience in hardware design, familiar with the parameters and applications of common components like MLCC、Resistor、Transistor、Amplifier and so on.
2. Strategic thinking, result orientation, decision making is necessary during the cooperation with different partners internal and external.
3. Basic know-how on ARM architecture, familiar with common periphery high speed design (DDR, Flash,PCIE, Ethernet, USB,COM), familiar with the design and test of signal and power integrity.
4. Proficient in DC/DC and AC/DC power topology, skilled in designing Fly Back isolated power supplies is preferred.
5. solid Analog/Digital technology in circuit development such as ADC、DAC、Amplifier and logic control.
6. EMC technology, including standard understanding、design principles、problem analysis and solution, be proficient in simulation will be plus.
7. Extensive trouble shooting experience with oscilloscopes, multi-meters, logic analyzers, function generators, electronic load banks, power supplies, power analyzers, etc.
8. You are a quick learner for new technologies and good sense at technical and marketing trend.
9. Reading and writing in English, fluent speaking will be plus.
产品开发—PLC 硬件设计
• 与跨职能敏捷团队合作,为西门子数字工业自动化产品开发、设计、生产领先的工业PLC和逻辑控制器。
1. 您将会加入一个年轻、多趣、创新、多元化、国际化的团队。
2. 您将会和固件、软件、结构等团队的成员密切合作,打造我们高水准的PLC和逻辑控制器。
3. 您需要有架构层面的全局思维,需要考虑产品的众多约束条件,比如重量、尺寸、工作温度、振动、功耗、电磁兼容等,需要实现高可靠性和高效率,需要履行我们对不同工业应用领域客户的承诺。
4. 您将成为研发团队的重要成员,与许多设计合作伙伴/供应商联系,提供清晰的设计需求,基于技术判断、商业利益(成本、进度、质量)做出正确决策。
5. 您需要和本地工厂和全球采购部门的物料战略小组合作,通过清晰的技术分析推动重要元器件的战略制定,了解全局以及未来发展趋势。
6. 您将参与追寻全球尖端的计算和半导体技术,评估替代方案,并将最佳方案融合到您的设计中。
1. 超过5年的硬件设计经验,熟悉常见的元器件的参数和应用,比如电容、电阻、晶体管、运放等。
2. 在和国内外伙伴的合作过程中,要有战略思维、以结果为导向、敢于做出决策。
3. 对于ARM的架构有一定的了解,熟悉常见的外围高速电路设计,比如DDR、Flash、PCIE、Ethernet、USB、串口等,熟悉信号完整性和电源完整性的设计和测试。
4. 精通开关电源DC/DC和AC/DC常见的拓扑结构,擅长设计Fly-back隔离电源者优先。
5. 有扎实的模电和数电基础,比如ADC、DAC、运放和逻辑控制等电路的设计。
6. 熟悉产品的电磁兼容技术,包括对标准的解读、设计规范、问题分析定位及解决,精通仿真者优先。
7. 丰富的调试和解决问题的经验,能熟练使用示波器、万用表、逻辑分析仪、信号发生器、电子负载、电源、电源分析仪等实验室工具。
8. 对新的技术有快速的学习能力,对于市场和技术的趋势有很好的洞察力。
9. 英语读写能力,有一定口语能力者优先。


