

Work you'll do
• 为德勤财务咨询部门提供相关支持服务,包括:
• Providing relevant support services for Deloitte Financial Advisory, including:
• 参与防范金融犯罪、反洗钱和制裁合规项目,开展如合规审查、风险评估、整改补救项目、培训和调查、相关分析、可视化和工具制作等;
• 完成舆情分析的初审和复审,舆情分析包括检索、整理和分析公共资料、媒体和网络发帖;
• Complete the media search and analysis' first review and second review, which incl. retrieving, collating and analysing public records, media archives and internet postings;
• 协助客户完成日常的STR工作和积压清理,包括可疑交易监测初审和复审,理解产生告警的原因,处理客诉工单,进行高价值团伙线索情报识别及输出,高风险情形的调研分析,以及风险较低情况的内外协查和排查等,
• Assist the client in the STR BAU and backlog clearing work, incl. Suspicious transaction's first review and second review, understanding the triggering reasons and reg flags, processing the customers' complaints, identifying and analysing the high value criminal group's clues, analysing the high risk scenario's and assisting the low risk scenario's internal and external investigations;
• 帮助客户完成KYC/EDD(了解你的客户/加强型尽职调查)的日常工作流程, 包括线上的强化尽职调查,交互尽调抽检等;
• Assist the client in KYC/EDD verification BAU, incl. online enhance due diligence, interactive DD sampling, etc. ;
• PEP Name Screening hit handling, incl. first review and second review;
• 政治敏感人物击中情形的处理, 包括初审和复审工作;
• Participate in portfolio of FCC, AML & Sanctions compliance engagements, such as compliance reviews, risk assessments, remediation projects, training and investigations, relevant analytics and visualization, tool establishment, etc.;
• 确定FCC计划的政策、程序和控制措施(主要集中在反洗钱和制裁合规领域)是否充分、有效并符合监管要求;识别风险和缺陷的潜在原因;并在必要时提供最佳实践建议/纠正措施;
• Determine if policies, procedures and controls of an FCC program, mainly focusing on AML & Sanctions compliance area, are adequate, effective and in compliance with regulatory requirements; identify risks and potential causes of deficiencies; and provide best practices recommendations/corrective actions where necessary;
• 从制度流程、执行文件等中提取关键信息制作底稿;
• Provide assistance in preparing working papers on gap analysis, e.g. P&P, Execution, related;
• 撰写摘要,并记录研究过程和访谈中获得的信息;
• Writing up summary documenting the information obtained during the research process and interview
• 维护和更新专有数据库;以反洗钱和制裁合规为目的分析数据和重新建立数据集;设计和建立工具,以促进反洗钱/制裁相关项目; 反洗钱相关数据治理
• Maintaining and updating proprietary databases;analyze information to understand their meaning and recreation of datasets for AML/Sanction compliance purpose;design and establish tools to facilitate AML/Sanction related projects;AML Related Data Governance
• 协助确定客户的期望和提供增值服务的机会;
• Assist in identifying client's expectation and opportunities for providing services that add value where possible;
• 在可能的情况下,协助开发“思想领导力”和公司用于营销价值的其他材料;
• Assist to develop "thought leadership" and other materials used by the firm for marketing value where possible.
• 积极构建跨多个行业的反洗钱和制裁专业人员网络;
• Proactively build a network of AML & sanctions professionals across a variety of industries.
During your tenure with us, you will demonstrate and develop your leadership and professional capabilities in the following areas: Inspiring, Creating purpose, Driving agility, Building diverse capability, Influencing, Collaborating, Delivering value, Building the business, Analytical acumen, Effective communication, Engagement management/delivery excellence, Managing change, Managing quality & risk, Sales excellence, Strategic thinking and problem solving, and Tech savviness.
We are looking for someone with
To be considered for this position, you must demonstrate skills and experience in the following areas:
• 本科及以上学历 – 财会/金融/经济/市场营销/企业经管/国贸/IT/计算机/软件工程/精算/数学/工程学/信息系统等相关专业,和/或定量分析能力
• A university degree or equivalent – Accounting/ Finance /Economic/Marketing/Administration/Foreign trade/IT/Computer Science/Software/Statistics/Mathematics/Engineering/Information System or any discipline with related background and/or strong quantitative elements;
• 分析师要求有1年以上反洗钱、尽职调查、风控、金融相关工作经验,可在标准流程指引下独立完成基础任务,并处理质效达标;高级分析师要求有2年以上反洗钱、尽职调查、风控、金融相关工作经验,并具备质量检测、培训、形成线索情报等能力;项目组长要求有4年以上反洗钱、尽职调查、风控、金融相关工作经验,在专业领域中具备的全局知识体系,能够独立完成复杂工作,并且能够主动发现问题并解决问题,推动流程标准的优化,能够带团队,推动团队高质量完成交付要求。
• Analyst need at least 1 year work experience in AML, CDD, Risk Management or Finance, able to independently complete basic tasks following SOP, and meet up the quality and efficiency standards; Senior Analyst need at least 2 years of relevant work experience, able to handle quality check, training and form intelligence report with clues, etc.; Team leader need at least 4 years of relevant work experience, equipped with comprehensive knowledge and professional view, able to complete complex work independently, able to actively identify issues and solve the problems, promote the standard procedure's enhancement, lead the team to finish the delivery with high quality.
• 英语过6级及以上;
• CET 6 and above;
• 有反洗钱相关资质认证优先;
• AML Certificates is a plus;
• 具有逻辑思维和分析能力,以及良好沟通技巧;
• Analytical capability with logical thinking and good communication skills;
• 自学能力强,愿意迎接挑战并在压力下工作;
• Self-starter, willing to solve challenges and work under pressure;
• 具有保密意识,并谨慎细心;
• Strong sense of confidentiality and attention to details;
• 团队协作能力强,并承诺提供高质量成果;
• Be a team player committed to maintaining the high level of integrity and to quality client service;
• 熟练使用Excel,Word和PowerPoint;
• Proficiency in Excel, Word, and PowerPoint;
• 能够使用至少一种计算机语言创建解决方案和工具,使用至少一种数据可视化工具以支持演示,是加分项;
• Able to create solutions and tools with at least one computer language and proficient with at least one data visualization tool to support the presentation is a plus;
• 有其他四大/咨询公司/研究机构或其他机构工作经验者优先。
• Experience with other big 4/consulting / advisory firms /research institutes, or other business organizations preferred.

