正在迅速成长的杭州多禧生物科技有限公司位于中国的“天堂”城市杭州。公司由五位在美国生物制药界分别有二十多年经验的海归科学家创立,致力于研发新一代被誉为“生物***”的抗体-药物共轭体(ADC)抗癌药物,志在挽救成千上万癌症患者的生命。我们团队成员曾作为技术骨干为当今治疗乳腺癌最有效的ADC药物Kadcyla的成功上市做出重要贡献。拥有数项自主知识产权的多禧生物正在迅速成为本领域的全球领跑者之一,现在加盟本公司恰逢其时。如果您是有活力的、梦想成功的专业人士,杭州多禧生物科技有限公司将为您提供一片发现、应用和发展才能的沃土。 Hangzhou DAC Biotech Co.,Ltd. is a rapidly growing start-up located in the “paradise” city of China. As a biotech company established by five oversea returnee scientists who each had more than 20 years of experience in the US pharmaceutical industry respectively, we focus on developing next generation antibody-drug conjugates (ADC) or so-called “biological missiles” for cancer treatment. The goal is to develop a technology to save hundreds and thousands of cancer patients’ lives. As key scientists in a pioneering ADC company previously, our team members had made crucial contributions to the success of Kadcyla, an ADC that is currently the most efficacious drug for the treatment of breast cancer. With several proprietary technologies and related patents in hand, our company is quickly becoming one of the global leaders in the development of ADC platform technology. It is an exciting time to work at Hangzhou DAC Biotech. If you are a dynamic, success-driven professional, our company is the place where you can identify, utilize and develop your talents.
公司优势 1. 员工享有股权激励和其他福利、保险、带薪休假、年度体检、和午餐补贴等; 2. 公司关心员工的前程,并将大力培育员工的成长; 3. 公司尊重员工,并将为员工提供各方面的权益保护; 4. 对于员工所作出的突出贡献,公司也将格外突出地奖励; 5. 公司会为员工准备不定期的惊喜。 简历投放:email: 或:浙江杭州市杭州经济技术开发区6号大街260号12幢,邮编310018