“广州希耐特船舶科技有限公司”成立于2019年,总注册资金100万人民币,目前在职员工15人,是一家具有独立法人资格的有限责任公司。“Guangzhou SeaNET Marine Technology Co.,Ltd”, founded in 2019, with the totalinvestment capital 1000,000 CNY and the employee 15 persons, is a limited company of independent legal person. 希耐特历经多年发展,始终致力于船舶技术服务,业务领域覆盖通信导航设备销售、安装、调试、维修、检验、卫星宽带运维,CCTV系统服务,客户群体既包括国有大型企业和各大船舶修造厂,又包括众多的民营航运企业和广大国外船东。目前在广州,舟山设有分公司,在烟台,海南,湛江,香港,新加坡,阿联酋,韩国等主要港口均设有服务网点。After Many years of unremitting efforts, the company was founded in Guangzhou as the head office and the branch company in Zhoushan, and extended the sub-service office in Yantai, Hainan, Zhanjiang, Hongkong, Singapore, The United Arab Emirates and Korea etc.工程师均为多年服务于船舶行业资深人员,并已获取包括CCS、NK、RINA、IRS等全球各大船级社签发的无线电检验、VDR检验检验的认可证书(DANELEC、HILANDER、NSR、HEADWAY 等)。同时,公司取得多家全球知名的船舶设备制造商的产品代理销售及维护授权。The engineers all have served the shipping industry for many years, and have obtained the approval certificates of radio survey and VDR inspection issued by most of the classification societies such as CCS, NK, RINA ,IRS etc. At the same time, the company has obtained agent authorization for products sales and maintenance from some world-famous ship equipment manufacturers.