Since its founding in 1982, Gantner Instruments has been a specialist for distributed measuring and I/O systems and is the specialist for the measurement of design, reach and development, manufacture and sales.
For more than 30 years, we provide to customs with professional, stable and complete test and control system solutions. The company’s test automation and performance monitoring solutions can be found within almost all the world’s leading manufacturers in many industries, including Automotive, Aerospace, Civil Engineering, and Energy.
High precision, fail-safe operation, excellent resistance to temperature and EMC influences and have an average MTBF (mean time between failure) of more than 20 years.
Gantner system logic module architecture makes the system have strong flexibility and extensibility. Gantner has provided a large number of high-quality products and solutions for users in many fields, such as aerospace, automobile, power, nuclear energy, civil engineering, industry and so on. And has high praise from users. Gantner has been committed to maintaining in thermal, electrical and mechanical measurements for many years. Although the high performance and flexibility of Gantner products have become prominent features, they are still simple operation and easy to us, even in complex application configurations. The design and production of each Gantner products provide a guarantee for high-precision and reliable operation in the most extreme industrial environment. High, low temperature and EMC conditions are ok. Our products are manufactured according to EN ISO 9001 standard and the average MTBF (average time between failures) is more than 20 years.
创立于1982年的甘纳仪器测试有限公司(Gantner Instruments GmbH)是专注于分布式测试和I/O系统的设计、研发、制造及市场与销售的专业测试设备制造商,30多年来致力于为客户提供专业、稳定、完整的测试与控制系统解决方案。公司的测试自动化和性能监控解决方案几乎可以在所有行业的世界领先制造商中找到,覆盖汽车,航空航天,土木工程和能源行业。
每个Gantner产品的设计和生产都为在最极端的工业环境下高精度、可靠运行提供了保障。高、低温和EMC条件对我们没有问题。我们的产品生产通过EN ISO 9001标准并且平均MTBF(平均故障间隔时间)超过20年。
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