特思达(北京)纺织检定有限公司 特思达(北京)纺织检定有限公司是Testex瑞士纺织检定有限公司的全资子公司。 Testex成立于1846年,总部位于瑞士苏黎世,是一家致力于为整个纺织服装产业链提供检测和认证服务的权威专业机构,是全球范围内历史最悠久、知名的纺织品测试机构之一。 作为Oeko-Tex®国际环保纺织协会在中国的官方代表机构,Testex自1995年起即在中国开展Oeko-Tex® Standard 100等认证业务。Testex也是国际紫外线防护应用测试协会创始人,开展纺织服装产品UV Standard 801防紫外线测试和认证;还是欧盟个人防护服(PPE Clothing)CE认证的指定测试机构与公告机构。因业务发展需要,特思达(北京)现特聘2名客户主任。 Testex (Beijing) Textile Testing Co., Ltd. is the wholly owned company of Testex Swiss Textile Testing Institute. TESTEX founded in 1846 is an authoritative institute, which hammers at providing testing, certification and other relevant services for the whole industry chain of textile and apparel in the global. TESTEX is becoming one of the famous instates with the longest history for textile testing and certification worldwide. As one of the leading members of Oeko-Tex® Association, TESTEX serves as the official representative of Oeko-Tex® Association in China to promote the Oeko-Tex® certification services like Oeko-Tex® Standard 100. And TESTEX is also one of the founder members of International Testing Association for Applied UV Protection, which implements UV protection certification for textile and apparel according to UV Standard 801, and also is accredited by EU as the certification and notified body for CE mark program on PPE clothing. Now we are looking for 2 members to be Customer Service Officer. 联系方式 联系人:行政专员 E-mail:beijing@testex.com 网站:www.testex.com 地 址:北京市西城区西直门外大街112号阳光大厦3层302室 邮 编:100044