创锐兴技术有限公司(加拿大独资)成立于2003年,总部位于加拿大多伦多,在中国、美国、韩国均有分支机构,主要从事软件及硬件开发。从拨号终端、定制应用软件,到高端互联网领域,为客户提供专业的个性化软件解决方案。公司凭借国际化的生产优势及优秀的软件开发团队,为全球市场提供具有独特、创新的超值产品,成为智能卡发行及金融支付一体化解决方案领域的佼佼者。 TechTrex Inc. (TTI) is a leading provider of turnkey custom solutions for the Card Issuance and Payment Industries. The company's strength lies in its ability to provide a comprehensive blend of superior technology and customized software solutions. These range from the most basic dial terminal to custom applications to branding to complex networking solutions. TechTrex leverages its international manufacturing and software development capabilities to provide unique, innovative and cost-effective products around the globe. TTI has operations in Canada, the United States, Japan, China, Korea and authorized dealers worldwide. 薪资福利: 五险一金,双休; 国家法定假日; 带薪年假,员工生日蛋糕,宽松、人性化的工作氛围; 我们期待着您的加入! 邮箱 公司网址