耐克森斯汽车电子集团是一家德国公司也是耐克森(巴黎)集团的下属事业部。德国耐克森斯汽车电子集团成立于1966年,全世界现有员工约27,000人,主要从事汽车线束的开发、生产和销售并提供相关的服务,并在德国、美国、墨西哥、捷克、斯洛伐克、罗马尼亚、乌克兰、突尼斯,中国等国家共有30多个生产制造基地,主要客户为宝马,戴姆勒,通用汽车以及奥迪。公司一贯重视产品质量,更注重树立员工牢固的质量意识。 耐克森斯汽车电子(天津)有限公司成立于2011年。
Nexans autoelectric group is a German company and a subgroup of Nexans S.A., Paris. Since 1966, Nexans autoelectric is offering intelligent solutions for OEM’s and system manufacturers, about 27,000 employees now are working on development, production and delivery of the high-quality products. Nexans autoelectric group produces wire harnesses and components mainly for the automotive industry as well as for manufacturers of trucks, industrial vehicles. The core products are wire harnesses for engines. Beside its headquarter in Germany, there are more than 30 entities in Romania, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Tunisia, Ukraine, Mexico, USA, China. The main customers of Nexans autoelectric group are BMW, Daimler, General Motors and Audi. Nexans autoelectric Tianjin was founded in 2011.