沈阳中核舰航特材科技有限公司(简称中核特材)位于沈阳经济技术开发区,创建于2006年。历经10余年的发展,目前已经拥有自主的品牌“中核特材”及核心技术的高新技术企业,专业从事医用钛合金、镍钛合金原材料及制品的研发、生产、销售和售后服务。“中核特材”主导产品有百余种规格的钛及钛合金棒、丝,镍钛合金棒、丝材等,“中核特材”因其产品质量稳定、性能优异、生产供货及时,在业内具有良好的口碑;目前已与百余家医疗知名企业建立了长期稳定的战略合作关系。“中核特材”崇尚共赢思维,坚持客户至上,建立中核特材一个战略品牌,形成以医疗钛合金板材和棒材为核心产品,面向医疗器械领域,提供全方位的产品定制、科研服务、技术提升和解决方案。Located in Shenyang Economic and Technological Development Zone, Shenyang ZHJH special metal materials Co., Ltd. (ZHSM) was founded in 2006. After nearly 10 years of development, it has become an enterprise with its own brand "ZHSM" and core technology, Specializing in the R & D, production, sales and after-sales service of medical titanium alloy, nickel titanium alloy raw materials and products.There are more than 100 specifications of Titanium and titanium alloy rod, wire, nickel titanium alloy rod, wire, etc. as th leading products of "ZHSM", ZHSM has a good reputation in the industry for its stable product quality, excellent performance, timely production and supply; At present, it has established long-term and stable strategic cooperative relations with more than 100 enterprises. Adhering in win-thinking and customer focus,ZHSM sets up one brand and two cores of medical titanium alloy plate and bar.Facing the field of medical instrument,we can supply customers overall product customization,research service,skill upgrading,and solution.