EBS 德国喷墨集团创始于 1977 年,是一家集研究、开发和生产为一体的专业工业喷码设备跨国公司总部位于德国科隆,下属波兰、美国、中国等分公司,在喷码标识方面拥有完整的产品系列和可靠的专业技术,业务遍布全球 100 多个国家和地区。
EBS Ink-Jet Systeme researches, develops and manufactures high-performance industrial ink-jet printers and consumables and is supplier of all of these high-quality ink-jet systems. Our printers and printing systems are successfully used in a wide variety of industrial and service applications where there is a need to mark moving objects, for example, on a production line. Solutions are also available for printing onto rotating or immovable objects based on moving print-head technology.
We offer comprehensive solutions for all your product marking, labelling and coding needs. Our non-contact systems facilitate the fast printing of texts, graphic images and barcodes as well as the dating, numbering, coding and printing of data transferred from computers and external devices such as automatic scales.
We warmly invite you to visit our internet site which we hope will bring our product marking and description solutions closer to you. Through our internet service centre and newsletters, we would like to give strong and professional support to each of our Clients.
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