廊坊科森电器有限公司成立于1996年,是集研发、制造、销售于一体的专业化、集团化运作的中外合资公司。公司位于中国经济第三增长级“首都经济圈”的黄金地带。 现下设三家分公司,位于廊坊经济技术开发区的两轮电装品分公司、马达分公司和位于永清工业园区的铸造分公司。产品领域涵盖两轮和通用小型汽油机点火系统(磁电机、点火器、点火线圈、调压器、通用汽油机飞轮和各类电子控制器);汽车安全系统用马达(ABS马达、ESC马达、VSC马达),各类生铁铸造及精加工等系列产品。公司坚持自主研发为主,从合资方引进消化吸收为辅,努力提高企业核心竞争力;实行全面质量管理,良好运行ISO9001, ISO14001,GB/T18001, TS16949体系要求 ,加强过程控制,持续改善提高;积极推进JIT生产管理模式,辅以ERP、OA等先进管理系统,确保生产出质量稳定、科技含量高的产品,满足客户在技术、品质、价格、交货期等方面的需求。公司积极贯彻顾客至上的市场理念,整合技术研发、质量控制、生产制造等各环节要素,建立以顾客为中心的市场服务体系,顾客满意度稳步上升,市场美誉度显著提高。公司实行全球化市场战略,以打造国际一流电装品制造企业为发展目标,构建了以国内中高档市场、出口市场和OEM市场为主的市场体系,产品广泛畅销中国中高端市场,并出口亚洲、欧洲、美洲等跨国知名企业。Established in 1996, Langfang Kokusan Electric Co., Ltd ( abbreviation: ’LK’ ) is a Grouping Operation Sino-foreign Joint Venture, committing itself to research and development, manufacturing, sales. It is located in golden mile of the circle of economy around the capital- third growth pole of China economy. Consisting of three branches, two wheeler electrical application components branch located in Langfang Economic & Technical Development zone, Casting branch and Motor branch located in Yongqing Industrial Park and Langfang Economic and Technical Development Zone respectively, with products range covering ignition system for two wheeler vehicle and small size gasoline engines (flywheel magneto, ignition module, ignition coil, regulators, flywheels and electronic controllers); motors for automobile safety system (ABS motor, ESC motor, VSC motor), all types of pig iron castings and machining.LK adheres to reply mainly on independent research and development while being subsidiary the introduction from partner, striving for strength increase in core competition capability. Quality management runs basing on system ISO9001,