法国AREP公司是一家国际知名的大型综合型设计企业集团,她隶属于世界500强法国国家铁路公司SNCF集团。AREP公司具有项目前期策划,建筑设计,城市规划,景观设计,室内设计,结构机电工程技术,经济估算,施工咨询等专业部门,具有很强的综合实力与综合竞争力。位于巴黎的总部汇聚着 500多位富有才华、经验和创造力的专家,他们在具建筑师、工程师、艺术家于一身的总裁JEAN-MARIE DUTHILLEUL(杜地阳先生)以及总经理ETIENNE TRICAUD (铁凯歌先生)的带领下在全世界已完成了一系列极具影响力的项目。齐全高效的专业配置和国际知名的建筑大师的领衔设计形成了AREP独特的企业竞争力。设计项目多次获得国内外大奖、多次接受政要贵宾的参观访问。 AREP is a world famous international comprehensive design group, which belongs to SNCF —Société Nationale des Chemins de Fer (French Railways)— one of the global top 500 companies. AREP is a comprehensive design group with departments of project development study, architectural design, urban plan, landscape design, interior design, structure & M&E, cost estimates,Construction Consulting etc. Her headquarter in Paris owes more than 500 talent, experienced and creative professionals. Under the direction of architect, engineer and artist —JEAN-MARIE DUTHILLEUL (President) and ETIENNE TRICAUD (General Manger), AREP has completed lots of influential projects all over the world. Comprehensive fields of professionals and world famous masters form the unique competence of AREP. Projects designed by AREP has obtained lots of awards and been visited by Government officials and VIPs. AREP公司的设计涉及到规划和建设的各个领域,包括城市规划,交通枢纽,火车站,文化建筑,办公建筑,住宅,商业中心。尤其重视怎样将城市环境,地块的历史和可持续发展的问题与项目的设计任务书结合起来: It plies its skills in every field of planning and construction including town planning, multi-modal transport hubs, railway stations, cultural amenities, office buildings, housing, and shopping malls. Particular attention is paid to a programme’s relationship with the surrounding city, the history of the site, and to sustainability issues: > 公建综合体,办公建筑,超高层(多哈亚运会火炬塔、深圳南山天地塔,越南胡志明市投资贸易大厦)Comprehensive Complex, Office, Tower (Doha Asian Games Tower, Shenzhen Nanshan Tower,Financial Tower, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam) > 商业中心(巴黎蒙巴那斯、成都仁和春天,法国各大城市的绿色商业中心)Commercial Center (Montparnasse in Paris, Chengdu Renhe Sping,Green Center in France) > 展览中心,文化活动中心(巴黎圣母院改造、罗马会展中心、昆山会展文