Amphenol is the second ranked supplier of interconnect solutions in the world, established in US in 1932. The total sales reached 4.29 billion US dollar in 2012. The company designs, manufactures and markets electrical, electronic and fiber optic connectors, coaxial and flat-ribbon cable, and interconnect systems. We are organized by over 40,000 professional employees across the world.
Standing at the Molding Tool Industry Park in Hi-tech Zone of Chengdu, Amphenol Commercial Products (Chengdu) Co., a wholly owned subsidiary factory of Amphenol Corp. The plant of Amphenol commercial products (Chengdu) Co., Ltd. is one of the biggest plants among 100 plants of Amphenol corp. all over the world. We are growing up to be the evaluable company in customers' satisfaction, financial performance and employee engagement.
You are expected to join in us as career partners. Amphenol provides the benefit package, long-term employee development programs, great working environment. We develop kinds of customized staff development plan.
We offer you great opportunities to be part of a truly global business!
更多信息请访问我们的网站 简历请选择在线投递方式 提请各位应聘者注意: 1. 安费诺公司所有岗位均不会有性别限制; 2. 安费诺公司所有岗位应聘者须年满18岁以上; 3. 安费诺公司所有岗位应聘者不限国家及宗教信仰; 4. 在整个招聘过程中不会向应聘者收取任何费用,所有成功被录用的人员均须经过正规的招聘流程。