怡之航成立于1914年,集团总部位于北欧冰岛,于2012年在纳斯达克冰岛交易所挂牌上市,专业从事北大西洋冷链航运及全球货运代理服务。2004年集团率先在中国、西班牙等设立公司组建国际物流团队,开启了航运与货运代理相结合的物流服务战略推动。如今,集团在全球四大洲20多个国家拥有60余处分子公司,在远洋航线有深厚的积累,代理网络遍布全球。 我们怀最大的诚意,期待您的加入! Eimskip was founded in 1914 ,our head office is based in Iceland. We listed Eimskip´s shares at Nasdaq Iceland in 2012. As a leading transportation company in the North-Atlantic, we provide container and reefer liner services with connections to international markets and is specialized in worldwide freight forwarding services with focus on frozen and chilled commodities and dry cargo .The forwarding activity as a strategic priority began in 2004, with the opening of Eimskip Reefer Logistics, Eimskip China, and Eimskip Spain.we have a strong cooperation with the large deep-sea lines and a worldwide network of associates in almost 60 branches in 20 countries now. Welcome to join us !