World-Class Engine Manufacturing Facility
北京福田康明斯发动机有限公司(下简称:福田康明斯)是全球最大的独立发动机制造商 – 康明斯公司与中国领先的商用车企业– 北汽福田汽车股份有限公司以50:50比例合资组建、生产轻型和重型柴油发动机企业。项目总投资逾四十九亿元人民币,年产能可达五十二万台,产品包括康明斯ISF/QSF(公路/非公路)系列2.8升和3.8升、ISF系列4.5升轻型以及ISG系列10.5升、11.8升重型柴油发动机。福田康明斯是全球最先进的柴油发动机生产基地之一。
Beijing Foton Cummins Engine Co., Ltd (BFCEC) is a 50:50 Joint Venture between Foton – the leading commercial vehicle manufacturer in China, and Cummins – a global power leader, established to produce light-duty and heavy-duty diesel engines. The total investment is over RMB 4.9 Billion with annual design capacity of 520,000 units. BFCEC is among the world-class production bases of diesel engines producing Cummins ISF/QSF series (on/off-highway) in 2.8L and 3.8L, ISF series in 4.5L displacements and ISG series in 10.5L and 11.8L displacements.
ISF/QSF系列直列四缸高压直喷式柴油发动机是康明斯投入巨资研发面向未来的全电控轻型柴油机,功率范围覆盖46 - 210马力。ISF/QSF发动机具有结构紧凑、重量轻、噪音低和低排放等特点,能够满足欧III(国III)、欧IV(国IV)、欧V(国V)和欧VI排放以及全球非道路第四阶段最高标准。适用于轻(中)卡、VAN、轻客、皮卡、MPV多功能车、SUV等轻型车辆以及小型工程机械和小型发电机组等非公路设备。
The ISF/QSF, with a power range from 46 to 210hp, have been developed with high performance and low weight, specifically for light commercial applications such as trucks, vans, pick-up trucks, MPVs and SUVs, as well as small construction equipment and industrial applications. These two types of clean diesel engines will meet stringent on-highway and off-highway emission standards worldwide, including Euro III, Euro IV, Euro V and Euro VI as well as Tier 4f.
ISG系列直列六缸超高压直喷式发动机是康明斯全新推出的重型发动机平台,功率范围覆盖310 – 490马力,峰值扭矩2300牛米,采用康明斯XPI 超高压燃油喷射技术,ISG 系列特别为满足全球多样的排放标准而设计,可满足欧III(国III)、欧IV(国IV)和欧V(国V)排放,欧VI排放以及全球非道路第四阶段最高标准正在开发中。ISG专注于为牵引车、自卸车、平板车、专用车以及公交车辆和大客车等提供理想动力解决方案。
The ISG is a new global heavy-duty engine platform that Cummins has developed to complement its existing global product offering. The ISG, with a power range from 310 to 490 hp and a peak torque of 2300N.m, incorporates Cummins’ industrial leading Xtra-High Pressure Injection (XPI) fuel system, to meet a broad variety of on-highway market requirements and emissions standards, including Euro III, Euro IV and Euro V, as well as Euro VI and Tier 4f under development. The ISG offers ideal power solution for heavy-duty tractors, tippers, flatbeds and vocational vehicles, as well as buses and coaches, etc.
Both ISF and ISG plants of BFCEC have installed world-class and state of the art engine manufacturing systems in terms of manufacturing technology and quality control standard, including block and head machining, assembly, test, paint and final upfit. The systems are highly automated with extensive use of preventive failsafing techniques. The Cummins Operating System (COS) has been introduced for plant operation. BFCEC is a certified engine manufacturer of TS16949, ISO14000 and OHSAS18001.
Officially founded on Mar 26, 2008, BFCEC has achieved ISF volume production in June of 2009 and ISG volume production in 2Q 2014.
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