As the inventors of flexible foam for equipment insulation and a leading provider of engineered foams, Armacell develops innovative and safe thermal, acoustic and mechanical solutions that create sustainable value for its customers. Armacell's products significantly contribute to global energy efficiency making a difference around the world every day. With 3,000 employees and 26 production plants in 16 countries, the company operates two main businesses, Advanced Insulation and Engineered Foams. Armacell focuses on insulation materials for technical equipment, high-performance foams for high-tech and lightweight applications and next generation aerogel blanket technology. The high-tech insulation products of Armacell increase the global energy efficiency and are used in many high-end facilities, including the Empire State Building and the International Space Station. They are an integral part of everyday life: beyond thermal insulation, Armacell products are used as acoustic insulation, as gaskets and seals in a variety of modern car models or as central components of wind turbine blades. For more information about Armacell, visit 作为用于设备绝热的柔性闭泡橡塑绝热材料发明者和工程发泡材料的领先品牌,阿乐斯开发了创新且安全的绝热、降噪和机械解决方案,为客户创造可持续的价值。阿乐斯的产品对全球能效有重要贡献,每天都在全球范围内产生影响。阿乐斯在 16 个国家/地区拥有 3,000 名员工和 26家工厂,其中在中国拥有3家工厂,分别位于广东省广州市、江苏省张家港市以及广东省英德市。公司经营两大主要业务,即高端绝热材料和工程发泡材料。阿乐斯专注于技术设备使用的绝热材料、高科技和轻质应用的高性能发泡材料以及新一代气凝胶绝热毡技术。 选用福乐斯的地标项目举例有:港珠澳大桥人工岛、成都天府国际机场、澳门威尼斯人酒店、上海浦东国际机场、上海世博轴、北京国家体育馆(鸟巢),北京奥运游泳馆(水立方),北京国贸三期项目,中央电视台,广州国际金融中心(西塔)。 阿乐斯期待您的加入! 欢迎浏览公司网页: