招聘外贸跟单/物流跟单员岗位职责:1.跟踪每票货物的送货情况,统计核对相关数据。2.做好协调工作。岗位要求:1.有一定英文基础,能熟练使用 word . excel .等办公软件。2.有责任心,工作细心,有较强的服务意识。3.接受实习生,应届毕业生。双休。薪资待遇面议
Globistics Co., Ltd is a foreign trading and logistics company in Guangzhou, that is currently seeking a Logistics Assistant & Coordinator to join our team. The job responsibilities include checking and receiving deliveries, loading packages, preparing packing lists, ensuring cleanliness, and performing some product sourcing duties. It is essential to have basic communication skills in English, and relevant experience is preferred. Fresh graduates and interns are also welcome to apply for this position. Welcome to join our team. To apply, please send your resume to us.