1. Maintain compliance fthe Group’s registered offices: addresses, local corporate filing requirements
2. Managing board processes – board papers circulation of agendas, minutes, discussion papers, proposals fthe board its committees;
3. Ensuring members’ directors’ meetings are properly called held;
4. Ensuring the necessary registers are established properly maintained;
5. Ensuring that the companys financial records are maintained;
6. Ensuring records of members’ directors’ meetings are kept in compliance with local laws;
7. Understanding ensuring the companies in our group comply with its statutory obligations, ensuring requirements of regulators are met;
8. Providing procuring advice fdirectors regarding application of local laws regarding having a company branch in various foreign countries;
9. Development, implementation, communication maintenance of compliance policies, processes procedures.
(1) Bacheldegree above, preferred with legal background.
(2) 5-8 years related working experience.
(3) Strong written verbal communication skills English.
(4) Computer skills including database searching, Power Point, word processing, spreadsheet analysis online research is useful;
(5) Eager to learn quick learner;
(6) Strongganizational skills, attention to detail.
