1.遵守适用的安环法律法规的合规性要求,服从公司的安环政策及管理制度,将安环意识融入到本职工作中。了解部门和本职位的安环目标,落实各项安环管理要求,并积极参与持续改善工作。Comply with the compliance requirements of applicable safety, health, and environmental laws and regulations, obey the company's safety and environmental policies and management systems, and integrate safety and environmental awareness into their work. Understand the department and personal target of safety, health, and environment implement various safety, health, and environmental management requirements, and actively participate in continuous improvement.
2.遵守公司质量方针,基于与本职位相关的ISO流程和作业指导书开展日常工作,不断提升质量意识。了解公司、部门和本职位的质量目标。负责本职位责任区域内的5S工作。Comply with company quality policy, and conduct daily work based on ISO procedures and work instructions. Improve quality awareness continously. Familiar with company/department/position quality targets. Responsilbe for 5S of own area.
3.针对原材料、在制产品和成品开展质量检验工作,确保相关产品符合质量要求。及时完成实验室5S工作。Conduct the routine QC tests for RM / in-process products / finished products to ensure the quality within the specifications. Complete lab 5S activities timely.
4. 正确并及时记录所有的检测结果,反馈给QC主管。Record all the test results timely and correctly, and feedback to QC supervisor.
5. 批准合格产品并生成产品检测报告。Approve the qualified products to pass and issue COA.
6. 控制生产过程中出现的不合格品,根据操作流程采取相应措施,避免其流向下道工序及最终客户。Control the unqualified products, take the appropriate action according to SOP, avoid shipping to next step or customer.
7. 开展实验室设备的预防性维护保养及校准,确保设备状态正常,满足运营要求。Conduct lab equipment preventive maintenance and calibration to ensure equipment availability for operation.
8. 积极参与质量提升和持续改进活动。Participate the activity for the quality improvement and continuous improvement.
9. 主管领导安排的其它工作。Other work assigned by line manager.
1.教育背景Education Background: 分析化学、化工、高分子材料或相关专业专科学历。College degree in analytical chemistry, chemical engineering, polymer material or related degree.
2.知识Knowledge: 掌握化学分析、仪器分析方面的知识,了解化学品的安全性能。Knowledge in chemical and instrument analysis, understand the chemical safety properties.
3.技能Technology: 具有化学分析、仪器分析方面的操作技能。Skilled in chemical and instrument analysis.
4.工作经验Experince: 一年以上化工、高分子材料或相关行业实验室工作经验。Over 1 year lab experiences of chemical engineering, Polymer material or related industries background. 5.能力Capability: 良好的实验室工作技能、沟通、数据分析能力及团队精神。Good lab work skill, communication, data analysis skill and team spirit.
6.倒班工作。shift work.
7. 熟练使用word 和excel软件。Familiar with word, excel software.