1. Minimum 8 years' software design and development experience.
8 年以 上软件设计和开发经验;
2. Expert in JAVA E development, and familiar with Struts, Spring, Hibernate, EJB. JMS, JPA. Maven.
精 通 J A V A E E 开 发 , 熟 练 掌 握 S t r u t s 、 S p r i n g 、 H i b e r n a t e 、 E J B 、 J M S 、 J P A 、 Ma v e n 等 技 术 框 架 ; Familiar with Javascript, JQuery, HTML, CS熟 练 掌 握 J a v a s c r i p t 、 J Q u e r y 、 H T ML 、 G S S 等 技 术 框 架 ;
4. Familiar with SOA architecture, and WebService, Restlet, Mina, Hessian etc.
熟 悉 S OA 架 构 ,熟 练 掌 握 Web S e r v i c e 、Re s t l e t 、Mi n a 、He s s i a n 等 ;
5. Familiar with Apache, Linux, Weblogic, Oracle, Memcache, Redis, LDAP
熟 悉 A p a c h e 、 L i n u x 、 We b l o g i c 、 O r a c l e 、 M e m c a c h e 、 R e d i s 、 L D A P 等 容 器 ;
6.Familiar with TCP/IP, HTTP. SOAP protocols.
熟练掌握TCP/ IP、HTTP、SOAP等通讯协议;
Familiar with SSL, OAUTH, WS-Security, SAML, PKI protocols.
熟 练 掌 握 S S L 、 O A U T H 、 WS - S e c u r i t y 、 S A ML 、 P K I 等 安 全 协 议 ;
8. Familiar with SpringBoot principle and configuration.
熟悉SpringBot 的原理和配置
Familiar with MicroService Architect and general framework.
10. Familiar with middleware in Ali Cloud.
11. Familiar with Performance, Security tuning.
12. Familiar with function testing and tools.
13. Minimum of CET band 4, and with fluently reading and writing technical document in English
14. Strong problem solving, communication skills and integrative team player
15. Minimum 3 years' Agile programming experience, cooperate with team tightly
3 年以上敏捷开发经验,具备和团队紧密合作的能力
