

1. Responsible for the rapid output of modeling design solutions, quickly output modeling design solutions through 2D and 3D design software, and meet basic engineering requirements
2. Polygon rapid modeling capabilities, can quickly output design solutions through Polygon design software such as Blender and SUBdivision, can quickly model in real time at the meeting communication site, solve modeling and engineering problems, and effectively promote the project progress
3. A Class advanced surface modeling capabilities
3.1 For the design requirements of the early modeling, the following standards are achieved through A Class advanced surfaces: A Class surface highlights, zebras, curvature combs, Gaussian and other standard tests
3.2 For the later engineering requirements, through A Class advanced surfaces achieve the following standards: precise cross-section, gap difference (DTS) between parts, precise motion verification and avoidance between parts, precise processing dimensions and fillets
4 Familiar with seat design standards and production processing technology. During the seat data development stage, it is necessary to consider engineering issues in the later sample production and production processing, such as: cover float, stitching quality, cutting size, human-machine comfort requirements, structural avoidance, motion interference, friction noise
5 Communication and coordination ability for complex project issues. In the seat development project, in the face of complex engineering and styling problems, actively communicate with the project manager engineer, sort out the problem points, and organize the relevant engineers to communicate and solve the problem.
6 Manage the digital model team to ensure that the multi-task parallel state can run and communicate efficiently
7 Responsible for the quality control of A-side data, and conduct preliminary styling inspection and data quality inspection on the output A-side data to ensure that all styling engineering requirements at this stage are met.

