


1. 管理几个生产自主小组。 Manage several GAP (Autonomous Production Group)

2. 成品交货管理: Production delivery management:

确保对客户的准时交付,调整产线生产顺序确保发运的及时性。make sure that the customer prospective delivery, reasonable arrangement of production sequence in order to delivery on time

3. 生产管理 Production management

1) 管理/建立、培训、执行和改进标准化作业,且定期进行SW审核与回顾Build and improve Standard work, routine review and audit SW.

2) 在同一班次工作的操作工的直属主管Line manager of operators who work in the same time frame (shift)

3) 主管与前一班的主管交流,并准备和管辖班长需在晨会上讨论的事宜。并在此时,回顾所有行动计划,以保证QCDP的目标的实现(质量、成本、发货、人员绩效)。The Supervisor communicates with the previous shift Supervisor and plans the TOP5 issues with their GAP Leaders. All actions required to ensure the QCDP objectives are reviewed at this time(Q、C、D、P Performance)。

4) 同生产经理和其它主管共同定义GAP的质量、成本、发货、人员绩效的指标(针对实际情况进行改善):PPM,PPH,TRS,缺勤率,事故数,合理化建议……Define, together with the supervisors of the other shifts and the UAP manager, QCDP targets for the GAPs (improvement versus actual situation): ppm, pph, TRS, absenteeism, number of accidents, improvement ideas…

5) 主管保证每个GAP都有指标及有意义的目标(与客户期望相关的,改进GAP和主管绩效展示),GAP每天

跟踪,作为改进的基础。The supervisor ensures that each GAP has metrics and meaningful goals (related

to customer expectations, improvement GAP and supervisor performance demonstration), and the GAP is

tracked on a daily basis for improvement.

确保质量、成本及发运指标的达成。Make sure QCD indicators reflect customer expectations.

6) 跟踪&Coaching KATA QRCI Track&KATA QRCI

7) 在当班时间监控工作,在该班次结束时报告真实数据,主管告知(UAP经理或下个班的主管)当班结果和特殊问题以及所采取的相应行动,特别是和下一个班的主管,就下一个班需要采取的行动,达成一致。Monitor performance during the shift and report accurate data at the end of the shift.The supervisor informs (the UAP manager or the supervisor of the next shift) the results of the shift and the special issues and the corresponding actions to be taken, especially with the supervisor of the next shift, and agrees on the actions that need to be taken for the next shift.

8) 为实现结果进行资源管理:根据产量适当配置人员等。Manage resources to reach results: adapt headcount to volume, etc

9) 如遇问题,反应行动:采取即时围堵政策,通知支持功能部门,建立改正行动计划React in case of a problem: take care of immediate containment, call support functions, build corrective action plans

10) 确保产品质量,并有权为了纠正质量问题,及时停线。Ensure product quality, and have the right to stop the line in time in order to correct quality problems.

11) 有必要时为班长替岗Replace GAP leader when necessary

12) 以标准化作业为依据验证多岗位级别,设置了每个工位的多岗位目标,且系统地回顾此目标,使之更具可变性(可以适应不断变化的实际情况)。Supervisor validates Polyvalence levels, based on current Standardised Work. Set Polyvalence target for each Work Station, which is systematically reviewed to optimise flexibility。

13) 主管设定所有GAP的可视化管理工具,GAP成员保证相关性。GAP班长(或其他GAP成员)理解可视化工具的目的,且能够独立的更新所有可视化管理工具。The Supervisor sets, and ensures the adherence by the GAP, to all their visual management tools. The GL (or other GAP member) understands purpose and is able to independently update all their visual Management tools。

14) 主导TPM周会来推进TPM(与维修人员,制造工程师).与班长一起共同制作TPM一二级维护WI。

Drive TPM weekly meeting (with Maintenance, ME, ...).

4. 推进改善行动Drive actions for improvement:

1) 了解小组的问题,寻找反馈信息。Know team problems, seek feedbacks

2) 定义改善措施的范围Define area for performance improvements

3) 推进小组工作及解决问题行动,领导问题解决小组及车间(5S,目标管理,TPM,SMED,6个质量基本要素……)Drive teamwork and problem-solving activities, lead Problem Solving Groups and workshops (5S, Hoshin, TPM, SMED, 6 Quality Basics…)

4) 组织和主导改善活动。根据年度目标,主管定义、组织和主导改善活动。至少一个GAP成员参与,如有必要,支持功能参与(只是作为专家参与,提供专业意见,不是领导)Organises & leads improvement activities. Based on annual targets, improvement activities are identified, organised & led by Supervisors. There is participation of at least one GAP Member, and as necessary, S. Functions (for expertise, not leadership)

5) 主管Score Card回顾。通过UAP经理的指导,讨论绩效的影响,决定正确的行动。He Supervisor Dashboard Review (ideally weekly) is the opportunity to review the Improvement actions. Their impact on performance is discussed and corrective actions decided through individual coaching by UAP Manager.

6) 推进合理化建议的提议及执行Drive improvement ideas generation and implementation

7) 确保班长每天有进行检查标准化工作,确保改善行动在进行Ensure audits of standardized work are conducted by GAP leaders on a daily basis and ensure corrective actions are taking place.

8) 每周一次和班长检查是否遵守标准化工作Audit s once a week with each GAP Leader the respect of standardized work

9) 目标是将70%的时间用于改善行动Aims to devote 70% of his/her time to improvement actions

5. 人员管理People Management

1) 在纪律及严格性方面起模范带头作用Leading by example in terms of rigor and discipline:

2) 确保日常管理Assure daily management

3) 每天与所有小组成员联系沟通,对所有生产线进行近距离管理Daily contact with all team members, close management of the lines

4) 对第二天的人员配置进行管理,做每周人员配置计划Manage headcount: plan the day before people allocation for the next day, plan also on a weekly basis

5) 指导班长及小组成员如何做好他们的工作角色Coach GAP Leaders and team members in how to perform their role

6) 支援并帮助处理问题Support and help to fix problems

7) 确保纪律及严格性(工作服,作息时间……)Ensure discipline and rigor (work wear, break times, working hours…)

8) 确保遵照安全说明,政策及程序Ensure the respect of safety instructions, policies and procedures

9) 小组的发展Development of the team

10) 参与员工的挑选及招聘Participate to selection and recruitment of staff

11) 确保线上新操作工有正确的入职培训Ensure proper induction of new operators on the line

12) 建立培训计划以提高小组的自治力,确保小组成员的培训及指导Build training plan to increase team autonomy; ensure training and coaching of team members

13) 管理所有小组成员的年度绩效面谈Manage annual performance interviews for all team members

14) 做组员的个人发展计划(在适当的时候由生产经理及人事经理支持和确认):培训,提升Plan development of the people (validation and support from UAP manager and Human Resources Manager when appropriate): training, job evolution

15) 多功能多岗位的确认Validation of polyvalence and polycompetence

16) 确保个人成绩的认可:建议提升及加薪;参与决定过程Ensure recognition upon individual performance: propose promotion and merit increase; take part of the decision process

17) 确保信息在小组内外的正确传递:与班长的5分钟晨会,例会,关键信息及管理层信息的快速层层传递Ensure proper flow of information to and from the team: top 5 with GAP Leaders, regular information meetings, rapid cascade of critical information and of messages from management

18) 建立高昂的团队士气,并形成满足佛吉亚6个价值观的团队氛围Build a high morale team and establish a ambience in line with Faurecia 6 values

19) 任务转移Task Transfer

20) 制定自己所管理人员培训计划并跟踪实施状态Bui4ld training plan of underling and follow their implement schedule.

6. 附加或特殊工作任务Specific missions and results:

1) 按时完成直属领导交付的其他工作和任务 Complete the other temporary work or tasks assigned by line manager timely.

2) 根据公司的管理规范,在被授权范围内管理现场的资源manage resource issues of the company within authorized scope according to management standard.

3) 知悉并严格遵守利益冲突的相关规定,引导并监督员工的行为符合利益冲突的要求

Understand and strictly abide by the relevant provisions of conflict of interest, guide and supervise the behavior of employees to meet the requirements of conflict of interest

4) 负责管理区域内所有设备的安全符合性 Ensure the safety of all machines within sphere of accountability.

5) 确保工作行为充分尊重了集团的道德规范和管理规范、公司的规章制度、价值观及员工手册等Ensure full respect of code of ethics & code of management\ rules and regulations\ values\employee handbook of the company.

6) 遵守健康安全环境规定Ensure full respect of HSE rules and regulations

配合公司IATF16949 &ISO14001&ISO45001& FES运营体系在工厂的实施;Cooperate with IATF16949& ISO14001 & ISO 45001system and FES operation system implement in plant;

1. 主管发展角色Supervisor role

2. 班长发展角色 GAP leader role

3. 熟练掌握 TPM,5S,7SF,8QB,7EB基本概念并应用在现场管理中Solid TPM ,5S,7SF,8QB.7EB knowledge and ability to manage them at shopfloor.

4. 沟通交流技能Communication and negotiation skill.

5. 了解精益生产理念knowledge on lean manufacture.

