物流/项目物流销售主管Sales Executive in Logistics /Project logistics



Responsibilities: (Essential Functions)

§ 客户开发:根据客户来源,用相应的国际贸易术语解释通则,在中国识别和发展新的客户关系,实现从零到壹的过程;

Customer Development: Identify and develop new customer relationships in China , starting from zero contact level and focusing on the appropriate Incoterms based on customer origin.

§ 冷数据库管理:管理和培育冷数据库,通过销售渠道挖掘潜在客户,使其签订合同并达成交易;

Cold Database Management: Manage and nurture cold databases, guiding prospects through the sales funnel to achieve final status and close deals.

§ 渠道管理:维护和监督强大的销售渠道,每周进行跟进,以确保进展并应对任何挑战

Pipeline Management: Maintain and oversee a robust sales pipeline, conducting weekly follow-ups to ensure progress and address any challenges.

§ 报价管理:及时准备和管理报价,确保客户需求和公司能力能够对齐;Quotation Management: Prepare and manage quotations in a timely manner, ensuring alignment with customer needs and company capabilities.

§ 交易管理:从交易开始到结束,进行谈判和管理,确保符合公司政策和客户期望;

Deals Management: Negotiate and manage deals from inception to closure, ensuring compliance with company policies and customer expectations.

§ 合同管理:监督合同的准备和执行,确保在整个项目生命周期内满足并维护所有条款;

Contracts Management: Oversee the preparation and execution of contracts, ensuring all terms are met and maintained throughout the project lifecycle.

§ 预算管理:计算营销和销售预算,确保资源的有效分配,以最大限度地提高投资回报率;

Budget Management: Handle marketing and sales budget, ensuring effective allocation of resources to maximize ROI.

§ 网络:代表公司参加商业协会、商会和行业活动,建立关系,提高品牌知名度;

Networking: Represent the company at business associations, trade chambers, and industry events to build relationships and enhance brand visibility.

§ 客户拜访:定期拜访客户,加强关系,发现新的增长机会。

Customer Visits: Conduct regular visits to customers to strengthen relationships and identify new opportunities for growth.


§ 在指定领域表现出积极进取的良好心态

Demonstrate a fast and aggressive growth mindset in the designated area.

§ 对销售和业务发展采取积极主动的态度,表现出对取得成果的责任感

Take a proactive approach to sales and business development, showing responsibility for achieving results.


硬实力 Hard Skills:

§ 至少5年工业部门销售和业务开发经验;

Minimum of 5 years of experience in Sales and Business Development within the industrial sector.

§ 物流或销售相关专业者优先;

Educational background focused on Logistics and Sales.

§ 对工业市场有深入的了解;

Strong knowledge of the industrial market.

§ 能够通过各种方法识别和寻找潜在客户,包括打电话、网络和在线研究;Ability to identify and source potential clients through various methods, including cold calling, networking, and online research.

§ 熟练地主动致电潜在客户,介绍产品或服务并引起兴趣;

Proficiency in making unsolicited calls to prospects to introduce products or services and generate interest.

§ 能够制作出引人注目的PPT并且有效地传达公司价值主张;

Skill in creating and delivering compelling sales presentations that effectively communicate value propositions.

§ 擅长与客户协商条款和条件,以成功完成交易;

Expertise in negotiating terms and conditions with clients to close deals successfully.

§ 渠道管理:能够管理销售渠道并跟踪销售机会,确保及时跟进和进展;

Pipeline Management: Ability to manage and track sales opportunities through the sales funnel, ensuring timely follow-ups and progress.

§ CRM熟练程度:有使用客户关系管理(CRM)软件管理潜在客户、跟踪互动和分析销售数据的经验;

CRM Proficiency: Experience using Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software to manage leads, track interactions, and analyze sales data.

§ 市场研究:能够对行业趋势、竞争对手和客户需求进行深入研究,为销售策略提供有效建议;

Market Research: Capability to conduct thorough research on industry trends, competitors, and customer needs to inform sales strategies..

§ 始终如一地达到或超过销售目标和配额并保持下去;

Proven track record of meeting or exceeding sales targets and quotas consistently.

§ 销售策略制定:能够针对特定市场或具体客户,制定有效销售策略;

Sales Strategy Development: Ability to develop and implement effective sales strategies tailored to specific markets or customer segments.

§ 数据分析:分析销售数据和指标以识别趋势、衡量绩效并做出明智决策的技能;

Data Analysis: Skill in analyzing sales data and metrics to identify trends, measure performance, and make informed decisions.

§ 英语听说读写流利

Fluent in English

软实力 Soft Skills:

§ 有达成指标的信念且能达标;

Target-oriented mindset with a proven track record of achieving sales goals.

§ 入职第一年能够迅速适应、快速成长

Ability to adapt and grow rapidly within the first year in the role.

§ 优秀的口头和书面沟通技巧;

Excellent communication skills, both verbal and written.

§ 有幽默感并能与客户和同事建立融洽关系;

A sense of humor and the ability to build rapport with clients and colleagues.

§ 对旅行充满热情,愿意在不同地点与客户会面;

Passion for travel and willingness to meet clients in various locations.

§ 在面对拒绝或挑战时表现出决心和韧性,对于高销量这一目标始终动力满满;Demonstrating determination and resilience in the face of rejection or challenges, maintaining motivation to pursue leads

§ 根据客户反馈、市场变化或新信息灵活调整策略和方法;

Flexibility to adjust strategies and approaches based on client feedback, market changes, or new information.

§ 与客户建立和培养长期关系以培养忠诚度和回头客;

Skill in establishing and nurturing long-term relationships with clients to foster loyalty and repeat business.

§ 能够识别客户的需求和挑战,并提出满足这些需求的有效解决方案;

Ability to identify client needs and challenges and propose effective solutions that meet those needs.

§ 时间管理:高效地管理时间并确定任务的优先级,以最大限度地提高生产率并实现销售目标;

Time Management: Efficiently managing time and prioritizing tasks to maximize productivity and meet sales goals.

§ 在与客户的互动中展现自信,过程中建立信任感和信誉;

Projecting self-assurance in interactions with clients, which can instill trust and credibility.

§ 团队协作:与其他团队成员有效合作,分享见解,为积极的团队动态做出贡献,以实现集体销售目标。

Team Collaboration: Working effectively with other team members, sharing insights, and contributing to a positive team dynamic to achieve collective sales goals.

