波宾集团Pro-beam Group,是电子束技术的全球先驱。波宾为焊接、硬化、微钻孔和表面涂层提供服务和设备。在过去的45 年来,来自40 多个国家的客户已经信赖波宾的解决方案。本公司在德国、中国和美国设有5 个办事处,员工总数超过430 人。公司总部设在德国慕尼黑。波宾集团是电子束和激光技术领域的全球知名企业,我们可提供电子束焊接和钻孔以及表面镀膜等工艺技术的全面解决方案。我们的客户可根据需要委托波宾进行合约制造,也可从波宾处购买为客户定制的设备。此外,凭借我们的技术专长,我们在开发环节即可作为合作伙伴,帮助客户一起打造一套高效的生产工艺。
pro-beam at a glance
The pro-beam Group is a global supplier in the field of electron beam technology. We offer solutions for electron beam welding and drilling, along with surface coating solutions. Additionally, we are operating in the field of additive manufacturing and enable corresponding manufacturing processes for metal components. Our customers can choose – depending on their requirements – between contract manufacturing by pro-beam or their own customer-specific system supplied by pro-beam. Thanks to our expertise as a development partner, we understand the ins and outs of efficient production processes.