深圳市锂德新能源有限公司专注于光伏储能系统及储能电池模组、锂电替代铅酸电池组、低速车用动力电池组的研发、制造生产与销售。在中国东莞和湖南以及南非开普敦设有自已的工厂,每年的研发投入为销售额的9.8%。我们坚持以客户为中心,尊重员工的付出,切实致力于为客户、员工、股工和社会持续创造价值。 提供磷酸铁锂、三元材料、高温锰酸锂、钛酸锂等不同化学体系的产品解决方案。公司的主要技术人员有二十六年锂离子电池的相关产品的研发经验,和中国多所大学(包括:清华大学、中国科学院、华中科技大学、中南大学、兰州理工大学等)有深入的研发合作。具备从基础材料,电芯,模组,管理系统,热管理到电池包的垂直整合工程开发能力,同时正在研究电池梯度利用和材料回收的全寿命价值管理服务。我们拥有一支优秀的研发团队,强大的创新能力和最先进的生产设备,严格按照ISO质量体系标准生产,满足客户的各种应用需求,随时准备为您提供完美、智能的能源系统解决方案。 Shenzhen Lead New Energy Co.,Ltd.was established in 2015, with registered Odipie trademark in 9 coun- triesaround the world. We are a professional manufacturer of high quality photovoltaic energy storage systems integrating R&D, production, sales and service. The main products of our company are household energy storage battery packs, commercial & industrial micro-grid systems, deep cycle LiFePO4 batteries, light vehicle power battery packs, etc. We have two 100% owned factories located in Jiangmen and Dongguan, Guangdong, with a total area of 8400 square meters and 320 employees, including 48 R&D personnel. Our annual R&D Investment accounts for 9.8% of sales. Since all key components of Odipie products are produced by ourselves, we have considerable advantages in cost control and quality control, and the product quality is insured by Ping An Insurance Group of China. Odipie also has overseas offices and warehouses in Neuss, Germany and Johannesburg, South Africa, so that we can provide service to customers around us at the fastest speed.