欢迎加入球匠皮具集团 我们是线下20多年工贸一体的专业皮具厂家,成立于1997年!! 旗下品牌芭莉亚 奥曼露的诚信,实力和产品质量获得业界的认可. 24年专业专注于各种钱包,主打真皮为主的男式商务公文包,男式斜跨包,男式卡包,男式休闲包和女式手提包,斜挎包,旅游,休闲包等设计和生产.其它材质可定做。我们拥有工艺精湛的生产团队,核心的销售团队。24年以上的行业经验;技术工程师加工工作经验平均在8年以上.是广东地区规模较大的皮具加工厂之一。球匠的手工皮具产品主要出口销往俄罗斯,欧美,非洲,东南亚等世界各地,并长期累积了多个稳定的合作伙伴。 球匠产品的四大无忧保证: 品质无忧,样品无忧,货期无忧,货运无忧。拥有完整,科学的质量管理体系。 我们的服务宗旨是:诚恳认真积极,严谨,负责!我们会努力提供更多,更好,更全,更高品质的手工真皮皮具给大家。 有库存的产品,支持一件代发,支持私人定制。诚招各区代理加入我们的大家庭.欢迎各界朋友莅临我司参观指导和业务洽谈!!
BALLMAN LEATHER GROUP Was established in 1997 and has more than 20 years of experience in leather product design and manufacturing. BALIYA&AOMANLU are famous group brands which enjoyed the high reputation working through the form and operation of the lnternet+ manufacturer + entity store. We are specialized in the production and processing of leather products. We are the factory committed to producing leather products, such as men leather wallets, handbags, wallets, leather Coin purses, cardholders, leather passport holders, travel wallets, leather keychains, so does the lady styles. Customized samples and ODM are accepted , the customer base is retail wholesale and the terminal customer of domestic traders and dealers, and the export is all over the world such as Russia, the United States. Canada. the Middle East Taiwan. Malavsia,and so on. Our aim is "with the service and sincere exchange for your trust and support mutual benefit and create win-win!" We would like to cooperate with you which from domestic or abroad to create our future welcome to visit us!