重庆哈罗礼德学校(哈罗重庆)坐落于重庆副省级新区(两江新区)龙兴大道,配置为幼儿园到高中的全日制及寄宿制双语学校,旨在为西南地区的适龄学生提供世界一流的双语教育,培育出具有“中国灵魂、国际视野”的优秀领导力人才。 哈罗重庆总占地面积约为13.5万平方米,可满足1200位学生就读,配套100位4年级以上学生的寄宿服务。学校建筑依靠地形,融入自然,在建筑的整体气势上与英国哈罗公学呼应,整个校园既有英国哈罗特色,也有现代教育建筑的学院氛围。 学校各区域设计,充分体现“以学生为本”的自由空间理念,结合学生与建筑、学生与环境、学生与交通、学生与空间以及学生与老师的互动关系。总体规划布局上统筹考虑建筑、道路、环境、山坡、景观之间的和谐,精心打造校区内景观设施,绿地布置结合分区功能有序分隔。强化校区内的动静分离设计,营造既活泼又安静的绿色自然山景校园。 我们深信,重庆哈罗礼德学校将成为重庆地区英式双语教育的标杆,为中国西南地区树立全新的教学典范。
Harrow LiDe School, Chongqing (AISL Harrow Chongqing) is located in the Liangjiang New Area of Chongqing, providing world class K-12 bilingual education to students on an outstanding campus designed for both day students and boarders. AISL Harrow Chongqing enjoys an area of 135,000 sqm. It can accommodate 1200 students, including 100 boarders (from Grade 5 and above). The campus embraces the natural contours and vistas of the site to integrate nature into the daily experience of the students and staff. The architecture of the school’s buildings echoes the original design of ‘Harrow School on the Hill’, and their renowned buildings in north London, using contemporary design concepts to create a truly British ‘Harrovian’ environment, with an eye to the future. The campus fully embraces Harrow’s requirement to put the students first when considering design, emphasising the relationships between people, buildings, the wider environment and space, carefully connecting these elements. The school’s layout gives a sense of harmony, utilising green spaces to partition different functional areas, accentuating their uniqueness and creating the best possible learning environment for our students. We believe that AISL Harrow Chongqing will represent a benchmark for bilingual British education in the region, achieving a new standard for International Bilingual schools in the south-west of China