Targeting the mid to high end of the market in the world, Yatsan is one of the biggest mattress and sleeping solutions manufacturers and operators. Derived from a family-owned firm with a history of more than 100 years, Yatsan has developed into a world-renowned sleep superstar. 央森专注全球中高端睡眠市场,是全球最大的睡眠产品制造运营商之一。央森源自一个拥有100多年历史的家族企业,现已发展成为当今世界赫赫有名的睡眠界巨星。 As a global joint-stock corporation, YATSAN never deviates from the track of healthy sleep. 作为一个全球化股份制公司,央森从未偏离健康睡眠的轨道。 YATSAN factories are located in Europe including Netherland and Turkey, etc. Boasting 100% pure natural and organic materials, one of YATSAN brands, Merens, produced in Netherland, has become a luxury brand well-known in sleeping industry worldwide. 央森在欧洲及土耳其均有生产工厂。以其100%纯天然有机材料为特点,央森旗下荷兰工厂生产的Merens系列产品,已成为睡眠领域高端奢侈品。