关于STAAR Surgical
40多年来,STAAR Surgical公司一直专注于眼科医疗产品的设计、研发和制造。EVO ICL为患者提供视觉自由,减少或消除患者对眼镜或隐形眼镜的依赖。所有的 ICL晶体都具有可折叠性,这使得ICL医生可以通过一个微小的切口,将晶体植入,无需切削角膜。STAAR Surgical公司将这样的晶体称为Implantable Collamer Lens 或ICL,其中包括新一代产品EVO ICL。迄今为止,ICL晶体植入量已突破300万枚,遍及全球75个国家和地区。
STAAR, which has been dedicated solely to ophthalmic surgery for over 40 years, designs, develops, manufactures and markets implantable lenses for the eye with companion delivery systems. These lenses are intended to provide visual freedom for patients, lessening or eliminating the reliance on glasses or contact lenses. All of these lenses are foldable, which permits the surgeon to insert them through a small incision. STAAR’s lens used in refractive surgery is called an Implantable Collamer Lens or ICL,which includes the EVO Visian ICL product line. More than 3,000,000 Visian ICLs have been sold to date and STAAR markets these lenses in over 75 countries.