迪孚(DF Service)是领先的一站式人力资源解决方案供应商,总部位于上海。DF Service 致力于为客户提供人力资源外包、人才派遣、人事代理、薪酬福利外包服务等综合人力资源解决方案。DF Service 期望成为客户最真诚的合作伙伴,助力客户的人才战略及业务成长。 DF Service is a leading provider of human capital services. We are based in Shanghai providing comprehensive human resources solutions to companies throughout China, including recruitment, contract staffing, personnel and staff welfare services. Our services help you maintain a flexible workforce, streamline the interview and placement process, customize human resources solutions and ensure the reduction in the time and money spent on hiring and personnel management.