Seasonal Visions Internal (SVI) Limited has been establishing for over 20 years. SVI headquarters in US. Scott Fraistat and Dennis Garite founded SVI Global Limited in 2003 with the goal of becoming a DTR and OEM powerhouse in the consumer products industry by leveraging relationships ,management talent and a unique, forward-thinking business model . We mainly deal with the retail and import&export business of seasonal holiday gifts and decoration ,toys ,costumes .We now have 150 employees in Chang An office ,design team and sales team of 20 employees in Califorlia , US . Our people come from China、HK ,Tai Wan , Philippines,US and the other southeast asian countries .In March 2013 ,we oppened a 13500 square-foot facility in Chang An , DongGuan that includes office ,development areas , showrooms , testing labs ,a photo studio , warehouse and distribution center ,light assembly factory , dormitory and canteens for Chinese workers . We provide comfortable office environment ,humanistic management and broad career development space to our people . Our company history : 2003 — Scott Fraistat and Dennis Garite establish a seasonal products company, Seasonal Visions International, in San Francisco, California, focusing on the Halloween and Christmas holidays. 2006 — President and CEO Scott Fraistat moves to ChangAn, Dongguan in Southern China’s Guangdong province with his family to focus on building a China-based company run by North Americans, utilizing the affordable labor pool and talent of the Southern China region. 2007 — SVI launches the SVI Private Brands business. 2010 — SVI opens a Hong Kong office and showroom, adds 12,000 square feet to its China facility, and reaches over 100 employees worldwide. 2011 — SVI adds 8,000 square feet to the China facility, opens a fully functional product test lab, and reaches 175 employees worldwide. 2013 — Changes corporate name to SVI Global Limited to better reflect its import and export business segments and launches the SVI Import Brands business. Opens a 135,000 square-foot campus in Chang An, Dong Guan with offices, manufacturing facilities and worker dormitories. Annual purchases reach over $100,000,000 USD. 东莞宝鑫贸易有限公司是一家有着20多年历史的美资贸易公司,最早在美国发起,斯科特.福莱斯特先生和丹尼斯.盖瑞特先生于2003年创立SVI,目标是通过平衡各方的关系,管理人才及所拥有的前瞻性的商业模式将公司变成消费品贴牌生产及进出口业务中的强者。SVI主要经营万圣节、圣诞节等节日的礼品、玩具、服饰及装饰物的批发、进出口、和售后服务等。我们在东莞长安办公室的员工现有150多人,在美国的设计团队和销售团队有20人,他们来自中国、香港、台湾、美国,菲律宾及其它东南亚国家。 2013年3月,我们在东莞长安建成了面积135000平方尺的工业园,包括办公室、产品开发区、展厅、测试实验室、摄影工作室、仓库和配销中心、组装车间、供大陆员工使用的宿舍和餐厅,及供外籍员工使用的西餐厅。我们为员工提供舒适的办公环境,人性化的管理,广阔的职业发展前景。 公司福利: 1. 员工入职一个月内参加社保; 2. 公司为员工购买公积金; 3. 发放年底双薪及视公司营运业绩而定的年终奖金; 4. 每年定期调薪一次,绩效表现突出者给予额外调整; 5. 公司设有培训室(影院)、娱乐室(台球,乒乓球,象棋等)、西餐厅、中餐厅、健身房; 6. 每年一次免费旅游; 7. 根据工作资历员工最高享有20天有薪年假,公司为员工提供有薪病假; 8. 公司提供伙食及住宿(全新宿舍楼). 9.工作时间:5天8小时工作制(周末双休). 公司地址:长安涌头沿海路21号(长安车站斜对面新围路旁,即万意超市旁) 公司网址 可投递简历至邮箱地址 公司联系电话:0769-87015818(转8988)人事部 路线1:坐车到长安汽车总站(注意:不是长安北站),然后出来长安汽车站KFC的门口,你就会看到有一条天桥,沿着这天桥一直走到快要到尽头的时候,然后往天桥下面看,会发现有一条小路,旁边有绿色的铁丝网。沿着这路一直往前走,再上天桥向左走,然后向左边下来走50米再向右边拐过来就可以看到本公司,本公司旁边有一家超市叫《万意生活超市》。 路线2:或者做车到了长安总站后直接坐5元钱的自行车过来本公司。 本公司位置:开车来面试的应聘者可在地图上搜索“长安涌头奇幻网吧”即可。本公司楼下就是奇幻网吧 备注:应聘者请填写薪资要求,填写薪资要求的应聘者简历将优先推荐到部门经理查阅,多谢您的配合!