南京泰晤士学校坐落于文化名都南京燕子矶新城区,大教育家陶行知先生始创办学之地,是IVY EDUCATION GROUP INC.(华盛顿)成员中的高端品牌学校。作为地方政府参与的混合制民办学校,数位设计大师历经三年精益求精的雕琢,校园已经成为国内罕见的艺术品,总投资超过5亿,占地60000平方米,由14幢层高部超过3层的特制青砖结合西洋元素建设而成的民国建筑群,沿山坡错落有致的掩映在梧桐与花丛里,容积率低于国内顶尖别墅平均值0.3,校园不仅手工复制了英国泰晤士河边的经典大本钟钟楼,一切以学术为本的设计理念把学校打造成了一个绿色有氧的书吧,运动休闲绝佳之地。
School Introduction
Times College Nanjing is located in Yanziji New Town of the cultural city, Nanjing, where is known as the famous educator Mr. Tao Xingzhi first founded school, is also a school running the most high-end brand K12 of IVY EDUCATION GROUP INC. (Washington).Times College Nanjing is a mixed private school with local government participation, several design masters have been working constantly strive for perfection on the school design for over three years, which makes the school like a rare art piece in China. The school sets up with a total investment of more than 500 million yuan, covering nearly 60,000 square metres, consisting of 16 republican style buildings with Western elements built by special green brick, each of which has no more than three floors where sitting along the hillside with dense greenery. The volume rate of the school is lower than the average of the top villa rate in China of 0.3, and the school manually replicates the Big Ben in campus. All the academic-oriented design concepts of the school are to create a green and natural learning paradise, and a great place for sports and leisure.
Ideas and Goals
The training goal of the times is to train the citizens of the world with the responsibility and influence.
School Characteristics
As the first international school provides excellent IB courses in Nanjing, Nanjing Times International School runs a 15-year-course from kindergarten, primary school, middle school and high school (K-12) accepting application from both Chinese and foreign candidates. The educational philosophy IB course advocates, is in line with the direction of China's educational reform. On this basis, Nanjing Times International School integrates Chinese and Western curriculum, providing IB course with school-based curriculum. From 3 to 19 years old, the school offers students intellectual, emotional, personal development, social skills and others.