思创激光致⼒于以⾼功率光纤激光技术为核⼼,开展⾯向激光焊接(包括特种激光复合焊接)、增材制造、精密加⼯、安防等应⽤⽅向的技术研究及其设备⽣产,是⼀家集研发、⽣产、销售、服务于⼀体的“国家⾼新技术企业”。 坚持以市场需求、国家发展战略新兴产业和产业化⽀持为引导,突出核⼼技术、关键部件、主营产品的综合竞争⼒,逐步建⽴⾼端⼯业应⽤、国防应⽤等产业体系。 多年来累计服务企业⽤户超过1000家、专业服务超过10000次,销售⽹络覆盖全国30余个省、市、地区,产品远销于美国、欧洲及东南亚等数⼗个国家。 Based on its core competence in high power fiber laser technologies, STR has always been committing itself to R&D and equipment production in such application fields as conventional laser welding, special laser hybrid welding and precision cutting. It is a "National High-Tech Enterprise" engaged in R&D, production, sales, and technical service. Guided by market demand and the national strategy of supporting the development of emerging industries and industrialization, STR has strengthened the comprehensive competitiveness of its core technologies, key components, and main products, and gradually established a product system in high-end industrial applications, defense applications, and other fields. Over the years of development, STR has provided various services to over 10000 enterprise users and professional services for over 10,0000 times. Its sales network covers over 30 provinces、cities and regions, and provincial-level municipalities in China, and its products are exported to more than 500 countries including the United States and some in Europe, and Southeast Asia.