福建龙夏电子科技有限公司,是一家专业从事先进功率半导体器件芯片研发、封装、销售的半导体公司。总部位于福建省龙岩市高新开发区,临近厦门、深圳,地理位置优越交通便利,公司是龙岩政府重点扶持的高科技企业。公司注册资金1000万,现有15名员工。公司总部在福建龙岩,上海、深圳设有办事处。福建龙夏电子科技有限公司功率器件芯片种类有MOSFET、SBD,涵盖20V~700V应用范围。主要应用在锂电保护、快充同步整流(SR)、E-bike控制器、电动工具、电子烟、LED照明、笔记本适配器、光伏组件接线盒、微型逆变器、充电桩、变频器、开关电源等。产品封装形式主要有TO-220、TO263、SOP-8、TO252、TO251、TO277、DFN5*6、DFN3*3等功率器件封装。 Long-Tek focus on mid-voltage advanced power device’s research and development. It mainly target on local Chinese market, includes_58_ Power supply, Inverter (automobile, air conditioner, and solar system), E-bike Controller, LED TV and LED lamp control, Lithium battery protection, electric power tools, etc..The headquarter of Long-Tek is located at High-tech Development Zone in LongYan City, Fujian Province. It between Shanghai and Shenzhen, with geographical advantages and convenient transportation. Company registered capital is 10 million RMB. Current with 15 employees, most of them has master degree and years of working experience.