As an industry leader in the development and manufacture premium industrial lubricants and cleaners, CIMCOOL LLC is experiencing rapid success across China and the Asia Pacific region. With manufacturing plants in China and South Korea, CIMCOOL Asia Pacific is following the global success of our US and European operations. CIMCOOL Fluid Technology is committed to being an innovative, ethical, and successful manufacturer of high quality products. We provide quality solutions designed to meet customer objectives and are currently seeking Sales Engineers for full time roles. CIMCOOL LLC is a division of MILACRON, a US Industrial Technology Company.
CIMCOOL LLC是美国一家工业技术公司——米拉克龙公司的其中一个分部。作为发展及制造金属加工液及清洗剂的行业领导者,CIMCOOL LLC正以飞快的速度在中国及亚太地区成功发展。CIMCOOL亚太地区分部在中国和韩国建有生产工厂,皆追寻着美国和欧洲公司的成功经验稳步发展。我们致力于成为创新的、符合职业规范的、提供高质量产品的、成功的制造商。我们提供创新的解决方案以适应客户的需求。现因公司业务发展需要,诚招符合条件的优秀员工: