TI Fluid Systems是一家适用于目前全系列车型的热管理和燃油系统解决方案的全球创新者。公司服务于各大汽车制造商,拥有超过100年的汽车供应链经验; TI Fluid Systems业务覆盖了全球28个国家,致力于在全球范围内提供高效和可持续性的产品。TI汽车集团于2002年在中国天津投资建设中国首家生产塑料油箱系统的独资企业—迪安汽车部件(天津)有限公司,近年来TI天津更是获得了飞速发展,业务范围不断扩大,合作伙伴也在不断增多,一汽丰田、北京奔驰、东风标致、一汽大众、长城汽车、福建戴姆勒、东风日产、广汽丰田、长安汽车等整车厂商也都先后成为我们的客户,生产规模、销售额及员工数量逐年增长。我们真诚期待您的加入,和我们一起与中国汽车行业共同发展。
TI Fluid Systems is a global innovator of thermal and fluid system solutions for the full range of current and developing vehicle architectures. Serving all major automotive manufacturers, with more than 100 years of automotive supply experience; TI Fluid Systems operates across 28 countries with a commitment to improving efficiency, performance and sustainability worldwide. TI Tianjin plant was established in 2002 as the first company which product plastic tank in China. We are expanding rapidly by setting up partnership with OEMs like BBAC, PSA , FAW, Great Wall, Toyota, VW, Nissian, Changan Motor and etc. and our production capability, sales volume and employees number increase year by year. As a global company with the history of more than one hundred years, TI Fluid Systems has strong faith to the market in China. We sincerely welcome you joining us and we will develop with China auto motive industry together by providing sophisticated technology and reliable quality.