浙江尤恩叉车股份有限公司是一家专业的集 研发,生产,销售,服务为一体的物料搬运设备合资企业。凭借30 多年的发展经验和市场历练,尤恩叉车已被世人所熟知,其销售和 服务网络覆盖全球,相继建立了UN欧洲中心,UN南美中心,UN亚洲中心等叉车销售和配件服务中心。
尤恩叉车秉承“创新,超越,统一”的发展理念,在过去的几年中 公司快速发展壮大,投资建成占地面积200亩的新工厂,具备年产 15000台的产能,总资产超过10亿元人民币。前瞻性的发展理念和面向全球的广阔视野,配以高效、先进的生产技术,使尤恩叉车汇集了一大批研、产、售、服的专业人才,共谋共创尤恩叉车的发展大计。
Zhejiang UN Forklift Co., Ltd is a joint venture of material handling equipments combining research, manu-facturing, sales and service. With more than 30 years experience, UN FORKLIFT is well known in the world and you can see its sales or service centers everywhere. We have set up many branches to take in charge of different regions in China and UN European center , UN South American center in Brazil and UN Asian center in Turkey abroad.
Pursuing the management philosophy “Innovate, Surpass, Unify”, UN FORKLIFT made a rapid progress in the past years. The newly estab- lished workshop has the production capacity of 15000 units/year. The promising strategy together with the advanced technology attracts a number of professionals working for the development of UN FOKLIFT.
Nowadays, UN FORLIFT has grown up to be a transnational enterprise who has more than 2000 employees all over the world. Till now, UN FORKLIFT has become one of the biggest and experienced material handling equipments manufactu- rers in China with the most advanced technology. With all achievements, we are proud of UN FORKLIFT and say we are forklift!