深圳致公会计师事务所是经广东省深圳市财政局批准,经深圳市工商行政管理局登记注册,提供审计、验资、评估、企业管理咨询等业务服务的专业中介机构。我们坚持“独立、客观、公正”的原则,遵循“质量第一、信誉第一、竭诚服务”的宗旨,发扬 “诚信、敬业、勤勉”的精神,以良好的职业道德,卓有成效的团队专业技能,发挥专业、人才、信息、执业经验等优势,竭诚为广大客户提供高效、优质的服务,帮助企业进行财务管理诊断,并提供各种解决方案,为企业创造价值。
Shenzhen Zhigong Certified Public Accountants authorized by Shenzhen Financial Bureau, Guangdong and registered by Shenzhen Administration for Industry and Commerce is a professional intermediate organization, providing audit, capital assessment, evaluation and consultation about corporation management, etc. We keep the policy of being independent, objective and just, following the tenet of “Quality First, Credit First and Best Service” and developing the spirit of “Credit, Devotion and Diligence”. With good professional ethics and fruitful skill of team, we play the advantages of profession, talent, information and working experience, making our best efforts to provide most customers high efficient and fine service, helping corporations do financial administration diagnosis and providing solutions in order to create profits for corporations.
Shenzhen Zhigong Certified Public Accountants now employs over 40 people including 15 Certified Public Accountants, Certified Tax Agents and assets appraiser. All professionals have acquired college diplomas and above and most of whom are masters, doctors, professors and experts in the fields of company administration, financial accounting, tax, economy and law. With deep theoretical study and working experience, they have become a professional talent team of high quality that makes first-class efficient cooperation by first-class management method to develop with our customers, building brilliance together. 公司簡介:
Knockbox Coffee Company 是以國際舞台為目標的咖啡館。總公司在香港成立, 現有兩間分店,總店位於旺角、而另一間位於香港大學校園。
Knockbox店主 Mr Patrick Tam, 為香港首批獲得認證的精品咖啡師及杯測師為生豆評鑑。在2012年,他成為香港首位出席咖啡世界的權威賽事 - Cup of Excellence 的國際評審。他追求的,不單是一杯符合萃取標準的咖啡;他希望他的客人、以至透過他在報章專欄認識咖啡的讀者明白:咖啡精彩,是由種植一刻起,不同角色的人所付出的點點努力集合而成。鑑賞精品咖啡,正正是品味由土壤開始至烘焙到沖煮的一種審美態度。
Knockbox將於2014年12月中旬登陸深圳南山, 目標在未來3-5年在全中國開設精品咖啡專門店, 給國內咖啡愛好者提升品味, 亦讓他們認識在味蕾興奮背後更深層次的咖啡文化。
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