Sanhe Doppelmayr is a part of the Doppelmayr Group, a group with more than 120 years experience in the field of rope propelled transport systems. At present, we of Sanhe Doppelmayr are the only affiliate company of an international cable car manufacturer in China . Our plant which located in Yanjiao Economic and development Zone has grown to be the manufacturing base of steel structures for our projects throughout China and other areas, and it's on its way to play a bigger role in a larger market. We have helped many areas become developed tourist centres. Among many other prominent cable cars, we have built transport systems at:
Taishan, Huangshan, Huashan, Emeishan, Lushan, Tianzishan, Huanglong, Yabuli, Beidahu, etc.
In terms of technology and worldwide market share, we are the No. 1 manufacturer of rope driven transport systems: aerial tramways - detachable gondolas funiculars/inclined elevators - automatic people movers fixed and detachable chair lifts - surface lifts for skiing material ropeways - and other related products
Doppelmayr International built more than 9,000 ropeways; together with all other
members of the Group the total is more than 13,700 ropeways in 78 countries all over the world . Our products have proved a reliable backbone of safe, environmentally clean and silent transport in tourism resorts, ski resorts, amusement parks, airports, international fairs (including Expo World Exhibitions) national parks, garden exhibitions and the like.
三河多贝玛亚运送系统有限公司是多贝玛亚集团的一个分部,多贝玛亚集团在运送系统领域已经积累了 120 多年的经验。我们三河多贝玛亚运送系统有限公司是唯一一个由国际索道 / 缆车制造商在中国设立的子公司。因而,我们不仅能够提供最先进的设备,而且还有我们的服务队伍随时准备为您服务。 座 落在燕郊经济技术开发区的工厂已经成为为中国及其他地区的工程项目提供钢结构的生产基地,并逐步在更广阔的市场中发挥更大的作用。我们已经协助许多地区发展成成熟的旅游区。我们已经在中国建造了许多著名的索道 / 缆车项目,其中包括:
我们在缆索牵引运送系统的技术和市场份额方面均为世界第一,可以提供以下系统: 架空往复式索道 - 脱挂式吊厢索道 轨道缆车 / 斜升电梯 - 自动人员运送系统 脱挂式和固定式吊椅索道 - 滑雪拖牵索道 货运索道 - 其他相关产品
多贝玛亚公司已经建造了 9,000 多条索道 / 缆车系统,加上集团其他成员的业绩,已经在全球 78 个国家和地区建造了 13,700 多条索道 / 缆车系统。我们的产品为旅游景区、滑雪场、游乐园、机场、国际展会(包括世界博览会)、国家公园、园艺博览会等场合提供了可靠的、安全的、环保洁净的和安静的运送系统。