Oerlikon Metco Surface Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. About Oerlikon Oerlikon is a leading high-tech industrial group specializing in machine and plant engineering. The Company is a provider of innovative industrial solutions and cutting-edge technologies for manmade fibers manufacturing, drive systems, vacuum, surface solutions and advanced nanotechnology. A Swiss company with a tradition going back over 100 years, Oerlikon is a global player with around 15 500 employ-ees at over 170 locations in 35 countries. About the Surface Solutions Segment The Oerlikon Surface Solutions Segment includes the two brands Oerlikon Balzers and Oerlikon Metco. Oer-likon Balzers is one of the world’s leading suppliers of surface technologies that significantly improve the performance and durability of precision components as well as tools for the metal and plastics processing industries. Oerlikon Metco enhances surfaces with coating solutions and equipment. Customers benefit from a uniquely broad range of surface technologies, coating solutions, equipment, materials, services, and specialized machining services and components. About Oerlikon Metco The surface technologies such as Thermal Spray, Thin Film, Plasma Heat Treatment and Laser Cladding improve the performance and increase efficiency and reliability. Oerlikon Metco serves industries such as aviation, power generation, automotive, oil & gas, industrial and other specialized markets and operates a dynamically growing network of more than 50 sites in EMEA, Americas and Asia Pacific. 欧瑞康美科是全球领先的表面技术解决方案供应商。我们提供的热喷涂、激光熔覆、等离子堆焊和硬面堆焊等表面解决方案,能帮助您的部件和装备提高性能与效率。凭借我们在材料领域的强大优势,欧瑞康美科还为其他特定工业提供表面技术之外的工艺,如钎焊、金属注射成型、陶瓷注射成型、热等静压,导电填充等。 我们的产品和服务包括涂层设备、涂层材料、涂层服务、摩擦系统、涡轮部件、缸内径涂层等。我们的客户覆盖的行业包括汽车、航空航天、化学工艺、石油天然气、纸浆造纸、发电、增材制造等。 我们的核心价值观: 在欧瑞康美科,我们致力于通过实现以下欧瑞康核心价值观为客户创造价值。 诚信 -我们以信任为本。 团队精神 - 我为团队,团队为我。 卓越 - 我们力臻完美。 创新 - 创意来自企业的每位成员和各个领域。 我们的客户受益于: 深入且专业的研究和开发创新型可持续解决方案 表面工程学、应用和工艺专门技术 通过提高产品寿命、可靠性和性能的经济型表面增强解决方案而增加的收益性 通过对重要组件的抗磨损和腐蚀保护而获得的安全保障 通过全球网络为所有客户提供的独一无二的综合性服务等。